Swiss Cheese Plant Care Instructions
Scientific Name: Monstera adansonii
Synonym: Swiss Cheese Vine, Adanson's monstera, Five Holes Plant, Swiss Cheese Plant, Monkey Mask Plant
The Swiss Cheese Plant, like its bigger cousin the Delicious Monster, has become a must-have houseplant, appearing in every home decor magazine, Pinterest, and Instagram. It's prized for its beautiful, fast-growing, dark green leaves with a variety of lacy holes, hence the cheesy name.Â
It has a fantastic growth habit, vining quickly and creating a trademark hanging plant. Monstera Adansonii is a plant that will make both friends and foes envious.
They, like the glorious Delicious Monster, are relatively easy to care for as long as a few things are kept in mind. It is critical to provide your Swiss cheese Vine with a good filtered bright light source in order to achieve good fenestrations (holes) and large evenly colored leaves. These houseplants will tolerate medium to low light levels, but will grow much more slowly.Â
Mist this lovely houseplant frequently to keep its leaves from drying out, and water it frequently but not excessively. Consider a barely damp cloth as a good indicator.
They are very easy to maintain, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experts looking for something unique and eye-catching to add to their home or office decor.Â
Use your Swiss Cheese Plant in conjunction with an attractive planter as a wonderful shelf accent or tabletop stunner. Once mature, consider it an attractive hanging specimen or allow it to climb a Moss pole for a large stylish corner filler.
Toxicity: If consumed, Monstera Adansonii is considered toxic. Keep out of reach of curious pets and children. These leaves don't make for a delicious salad addition.
Swiss Cheese Plant Common Symptoms
- Yellowing leaves/lower leaves Are often a sign of overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out slightly before each watering, though be sure to keep it just moist, not soggy. Yellow lower leaves can also be a sign of the temperature being too low. Place the plant in a warmer location if you suspect this may be the cause. Yellow leaves are common on healthy plants and are simply the natural shedding of old leaves; there is no need to be concerned. Examine the plant and its surroundings, and make any necessary adjustments.
- Curled, brown crispy leaf tips are caused by either too little humidity or too much fertilizer. Mist the plant more regularly or increase room humidity by clustering plants or placing them on a pebble tray. Plants that have been over-fertilized should be flushed with clean water to remove any accumulated fertilizer. Wait a month before feeding again. Click here to read our guide to fertilizing your houseplant.
- Brown tips with a yellow band  is another sign of overwatering. Let the plant dry out a bit between waterings and take note of its environment. The lower the light the longer it takes for the soil to reach dryness, thus, plants in lower lit areas often require less frequent watering as opposed to plants in brighter light.
- Dry, brown spots (scorched leaves) are caused by strong, direct sunlight. If you have noted scorching move your plant to an area where the light is bright, but indirect. Filtered light or gentle sunlight is best. These marks will unfortunately not heal, and in time you can just trim off the leaf.
- No holes in leaves, stretched, bare stems, and small leaves are all signs your plant is not receiving sufficient light. Relocate your plant to a brighter position to improve your plant's appearance. Though, avoid direct sunlight. It may take a few weeks for your plant to look lush and full, but patience is key.
- Deformed new foliage and yellow veining on leaves: This is often a sign that your plant is suffering from the Mosaic Virus (Tabacco disease). This is spread in many ways and cannot be cured. It is best to avoid reusing water from this plant on other plants, and to not allow it to touch other plants to prevent spreading. Keep your plant in optimal conditions to avoid decline and stop the virus from killing your houseplant, this is possible. Deformed new growth without any signs of yellowing, can be an indication of ineffective watering regimes. If this is the case, provide water more consistently.
- Pests: Monstera Adansonii is relatively resilient to pests, but can be targeted by the Mealy bug in hot, humid conditions. Treat any infestations immediately when identified, using either a neem-based oil or Pyrol for best results. Read on to find out more about common household pests.
Swiss Cheese Plant Care Instructions
- Origin: Central and South America, as well as parts of southern Mexico and the West Indies, are the places of origin.
- Height: When trained it can grow many metres 15 -20 but for the average house plant with some support can be grown to about 3m.
- Light:Â Bright light, with no harsh sun. The Swiss Cheese Plant can handle some gentle sun, though.
- Water: Â Water thoroughly and allow the top part of soil to dry out between waterings. Keep soil barely moist in winter. Yellowing lower leaves are usually a sign of overwatering. Provide good drainage.
- Humidity: Average to high (at least 40% relative humidity).
- Temperature: Average to warm, 18 – 29°C
- Fertiliser: Feeding is important for lush, new growth. Feed every 2 weeks spring through autumn with a balanced liquid fertiliser.
- Propagation: Take growing tip cuttings of a mature plant in spring and insert them into moist peat moss based potting mix. For more on how to propagate this plant read our 5 Easy plant to Propagate.
- Repotting: Re-pot in spring when roots have filled the pot. When you re-pot pick a plant that is 3cm -5cm’s bigger than its current size. Always use a very well draining potting soil in a pot with drainage holes to prevent soggy soil and root rot.
If in stock, shop for Swiss Cheese Plant here.